Peachtree Shared Space Illustrative Concept Report (December 2021 Draft)
The Illustrative Concept Report outlines the planning process, existing conditions and design alternatives analysis, and the preferred concept for a shared space in the Peachtree Center area (West Peachtree Street to John Wesley Dobbs Avenue), with supporting complete streets designs for the portions of Peachtree Street between North Avenue and West Peachtree Street and from John Wesley Dobbs Avenue to Marietta Street. It also includes information about the installation, monitoring, and next steps for the demonstration project in the Peachtree Center area and an action plan for implementation of the proposed concepts. The report is available for download as a complete document or by chapter for reduced file sizes below.
Each of the report chapters is available individually:
Table of Contents and Chapter 1 - Background: Learn about the project background, study area, the history of Peachtree Street, and other key initiatives in the area.
Chapter 2 - A Space for All: Find out how streets serve different mobility, access, and civic functions; see who uses Peachtree Street on a regular basis; and learn what shared spaces are, including examples of shared spaces in other major cities.
Chapter 3 - Process: See how this report came together, including highlights from the community engagement process and the values, vision, and goals that emerged from it.
Chapter 4 - Existing Conditions: The factors that influence the recommendations are outlined in this chapter, including land use, urban design, market trends, and transportation, along with key sentiments from community participants about each topic.
Chapter 5 - Alternatives Analysis: The alternatives analysis summarizes the key considerations that led to the selection of the Peachtree Center area as the preferred location for a shared space.
Chapter 6 - The Preferred Concept: This chapter features the recommended design concepts and associated initiatives and policy changes for each segment of the study area, including the shared space at Peachtree Center and complete street designs for the surrounding segments. Check out this section for concept renderings, typical street section illustrations, and proposals for supporting activation, programming, and land uses.
Chapter 7 - Demonstration Project: The idea of a shared space is being tested with a demonstration project, a temporary installation that is testing what would happen if we take some space away from vehicles and give it back to people. See the installation, the results of monitoring its impacts over the first 90 days, and next steps for the demonstration.
Chapter 8 - Action Plan: This chapter outlines the immediate, mid-term, long-term, and ongoing actions that will be taken by the City of Atlanta and its partners to implement the proposed concepts and steward an exceptional public space for Downtown Atlanta.
Appendix: Additional reference materials are available in the appendix, including more information about the traffic analysis, publications about the demonstration project, and letters of support from the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District, Atlanta Downtown Neighbors Association, Banyan Street Capital, AmericasMart, the Westin Hotel, and the Southern Exchange.
Demonstration Project Traffic Data Analysis and Methodology
This white paper outlines the traffic analysis methodology used for the Peachtree Street Demonstration Project. It compares the before and after traffic data to analyze the impact of the project on Peachtree Street, parallel corridors and Downtown overall. An analysis of emergency response times before and after the project installation is also included, which showed no significant impact to response times overall.
Existing Conditions Report
This report outlines the existing land use, urban design, market, and transportation conditions along Peachtree Street that will inform the shared space design and associated development and activation strategies. It also includes input received from the community throughout the planning process, including the project vision and goals. This content was originally published as a separate report and is also included in Chapter 4 of the Illustrative Concept Report.
The following documents were shared as part of Design Workshop Week. Check out the recordings from that series for additional context:
Draft Shared Space and Street Retrofit Concepts
Review draft proposed typical sections for different parts of Peachtree Street within the study area, including a shared space between West Peachtree Street (Hardy Ivy Park) and Forsyth Street (Margaret Mitchell Square) and retrofit concepts to make the surrounding sections of Peachtree Street more comfortable for walking, biking, and riding transit. Learn more about the draft concepts and community feedback by watching the Community Open Studio video. View PDF
Draft Demonstration Project Concepts
See the draft design for the demonstration project, a temporary installation that will test aspects of a shared space using low-cost, removable materials. The demonstration will focus on testing the potential to reduce the number of vehicle lanes, increase space for pedestrians, and add flexibility for public space elements like outdoor dining areas. It will take place on Peachtree Street between Baker Street and Ellis Street later this spring.
Learn more about the draft demonstration project concept and community feedback by watching the Demonstration Project Open House video. View PDF
More project documents will be posted here as they become available. Check back soon!
This effort is an extension of an original concept report developed by the Atlanta City Studio in 2018. You can read that report here.
Were you unable to attend one of our engagement activities live? Visit the Engage page to view meeting materials and videos from previous events.
Learn More: Shared Spaces | Project Overview